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    Friday, August 26, 2022

     When it comes to our health, especially in matters of life and death, the promise of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve outcomes is very intriguing. From hospital care to clinical research, drug development to insurance, AI applications are recasting the workings of the health sector to cut down on spending and enhance the outcomes of the patient.3 Powerful AI Advances in Medical Healthcare 1. Vertical Nursing Assistants An AI virtual...

    Tuesday, August 2, 2022

    What is Aluminum Die Casting? Cast aluminum is created when aluminum heated to extremely high temperatures. The molten aluminum is then molded into a shape and cooled to craft a wide variety of products. Aluminum Die Casting vs. Regular Aluminum They may sound to be exactly the same. However, there are some differences. Products made from regular aluminum will definitely have a lower price point, but this is due to its lower quality....